Practicing the Way Course

An eight-session primer on spiritual formation

Two thousand years ago, Jesus said to his disciples, “follow me.” But what does it mean for us to follow Jesus today?

The Practicing the Way Course is an on-ramp to spiritual formation, exploring what it means to follow Jesus and laying the foundation for a life of apprenticeship to him.


Eight Sessions

John Mark and other voices teaching on 
apprenticing under Jesus, spiritual formation, healing from sin, meeting God in pain, crafting a Rule of Life, living in community, and more


Weekly practices and exercises to help integrate what you’ve learned into your everyday life

Guided Conversation

Prompts to reflect on your experience and process honestly in community

Companion Guide

A detailed workbook with exercises, space to write and reflect, and suggestions for supplemental resources. We provided the digital copy for each session below. If you prefer a physical copy of the companion guide, you can purchase the workbook here.

Before you start session 01

Please set aside 10-15 minutes and take the Spiritual Health Reflection. This is a self-assessment Practice the Way developed in partnership with pastors and leading experts in spiritual formation. It’s designed to help you reflect on the health of your soul, in order to better name Jesus’ invitations to you as you follow the Way.

You can come back to the Spiritual Health Reflection as often as you’d like (we recommend one to two times a year) to chart your growth and continue to move forward on your spiritual journey.

Session 01: Following Jesus

Session 02: Formation pt. 01

Session 03: Formation pt. 02

Session 04: The Practices

Session 05: Meeting God in Pain and Suffering

Session 06: Healing from Sin

Session 07: Crafting a Rule of Life

Session 08: Life Together


Practicing the Way Book

We highly recommend reading the book Practicing the Way by John Mark alongside this Course, as it will greatly enhance your learning experience. Each session’s readings are laid out in the On Your Own sections of the Companion Guide.

Practicing the Way Podcast

The Practicing the Way podcast is the new podcast based on John Mark’s book Practicing the Way. Each season includes conversations about apprenticeship to Jesus in the modern world.  Listen along as you take the course.

Rule of Life Builder

The Rule of Life Builder is a digital tool that will help you organize your life in order to live intentionally in your apprenticeship to Jesus. This builder will help you build a personalized Rule of Life based off of Our Shared Rule of Life.